Confessions of a fabric junkie!
Looking back through time, this is one of the manifestations of our humanity - the making of textiles and all their uses from birth to death; for body and home. All fabric junkies carry this in our genetic makeup. It's really old and it serves us on many levels. I am blessed that I was born to buy fabric. I look back to my forefathers and what I have been given. This opportunity to make beautiful connections deep within the American textile industry is one of the things I cherish most about my job.
I remember going to New York back in 1985 - with only one contact and a lot of excitement. This trip last week was a special time to see old friends in the industry and buy new fabric. I hope you will enjoy these photos as I share part of my journey into the jobbing heart of Midtown NYC!
Take a look and see how inspiration can be found all around us. Better yet, come down to Stonemountain & Daughter and check out all the new one-of-a-kind designer fabrics.